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Gigabyte 3D Galaxy Liquid Cooling System GH-WIU01
Bluetooth 8 Aug 2005

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Before installing, it is good to check if there are any leaks in the reservoir/pump. If everything is in order, it is time to get it installed. Using the Gigabyte 3DAurora Casing, we installed the NF4 board mainboard into the case. Install the radiator on the exterior of the casing. You would need to unscrew the PSU and insert the radiator metal holder. After which, the cables are interconnected with the pump/reservoir, water block and radiator. Attach the power cord for the pump and the jumper to trigger the power when the system powers up.

The radiator's two tubing entry can be bypassed through the holes found on the casing as shown in the diagram below.

Once all that is done, we are all set. Pour in 3/4 tank of liquid into the reservoir. Turn on the power and you will see that the liquid being pumped up into the system. The pump/reservoir will beep because there isn't enough liquid to circle around the system. Pour in more of the coolant and do it until you see a proper circulation with  residue coolant in the reservoir to prevent the minimum liquid level is met.

Turn off the lights and see the beautiful Blue LEDs shinning in the dark. Isn't it beautiful?

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