NF4 Standard Mod to NF4 SLI
SLI Enabled on NF4 Standard With a simple pencil trick, SLI is enabled on the NF4 Std chipset. On the board, I installed 6.39 Standalone kit and Forceware 66.93. Immediately, on boot up, I can see the ballon showing that SLI has been enabled. I rebooted the system and installed another card and inserted in the bridge. On Diagram 2, it showed two graphics card 6600GT installed. In Diagram 3, enabling SLI allows the two GPUs to boost the graphics power to another level. I tried 71.89, and SLI still works without fail. Here are some screen shots to prove my findings.
Diagram 1
Diagram 2
Diagram 3 Next >>> |
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