Enabling up to 24x in
multiplier for modded AthlonXP
Note: You should only do this if you are familiar with bridge modding, or if you know the risks you are taking by modding your cpu, it may occur permanent damage by doing a bad mod, and you'll void your warranty by doing that. Neither OCWorkbench or me will take any responsibility if a CPU is damaged during the process. If you have no problems with that, go ahead :-) The Athlon XP-M Multi BIOS that is currently being distributed in this forum introduces one great feature, that is the ability to control the multiplier of Mobile Athlon XPs. This will enable us to control multiplier of locked AMD Athlon and Duron CPU´s, without having to change it in windows or through bridge modding, tough some modding is still required. Like i explained in my previous article here there is a way to change all AMD socket A cpu´s (except pre-palomino cpu´s) into mobile Athlons, this is NECESSARY for the multiplier option of this bios to be enabled and working, otherwise it won´t appear. Also you will only be able to select multipliers until 11x unless the modding to the L6 bridges, wich control the multiplier is made, to open till 24x. This mod is also described in the 3rd page of the previous article. UPDATE: There´s a new and much easier way to have multipliers opened and selectable in BIOS up to 24x, just paint the 2nd L5 bridge, the one left to the L5 Mobile bridge.
Bottomline: You should only perform this if you want to have your locked cpu with multiplier selection, or if you want to be able to change multipliers on-the-fly in windows. This is a great overclocking feature (kudos to ASRock) which we hope to see available from other manufacturers and better implemented, in a few months i hope this is available without any modification being made to the cpu. Related Articles : <<< Discuss >>> |
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