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Shuttle MN31N mATX nForce2 (7)
Overclocker 31 Mar 2003


All boards running in SYNC DDR333 (166/166) otherwise specified. The FSB of the various boards are :

Shuttle MN31N : 167.05Mhz
ABIT NF7-S v1.2 : 166.36Mhz
Gigabyte 7VAXP-A Ultra : 166.92Mhz
AOpen AK79G Max : 167.04Mhz
ASROCK K7S8X : 166.64Mhz
ECS L7S7A2 : 166.65Mhz
SiS 746FX Ref board : 168.2Mhz
EPoX 8RDA+ : 167.05Mhz
ABIT KD7 : 166.88Mhz

Quake 3 Demo 001

Quake3 demo001 is a memory intensive application. Being small in size doesn't mean it is bad in performance. As we can see Shuttle MN31N when used with a GF4 Ti4200-8x, it is as good or even better than most of the ATX sized nForce2 boards in the market.

3Dmark2001 SE Build 330

In 3Dmark2001SE, Shuttle MN31N leads the pack scoring a high of 11437 which is the fastest among all the nForce2, KT400A and SiS 746FX/746 boards.

Comanche 4 Demo

In Comanche 4, we see a similar pattern. It seems that nForce2 boards does has an advantage in 3D applications over the other chipsets by a small percentage. The Shuttle MN31N is not very far off from the best nForce2 board in terms of performance.


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