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  Gigabyte 技嘉 K8NNXP nForce3 150 Mainboard Review (3)
Bluetooth 12 Sept 2003


Before we benchmark, we document the FSB the board is running at. The SiS 748 reference board is a bit on the high side. Do bear that in mind when comparing results of the boards as a higher FSB usually will impact the benchmarks in one way or another. ASrock K7S8X-E is registered at 200.97MHz and the EPoX 8RDA3+ is at 200.46 MHz. Gigabyte 7NNXP runs at 200.45MHz and DFI is at 200.47. Gigabyte 7VT600-1394 is at 200.9Mhz, DFI 748-AL is at a very exact 200.45MHz. The M1687 Reference Board runs exactly at 200.00MHz FSB. Gigabyte K8NNXP runs at 201 (old BIOS with 3100+) and 200MHz (new BIOS with 3200+).

In the comparison, DFI 748-AL, ASRock K7S8X-E and SiS 748 Reference board is running 1 x 512M Corsair XMS3500C2 Stick at CAS 2, 5-2-2. The Gigabyte 7VT600-1394 runs CAS 2, 6-2-2. EPoX 8RDA3+ is running 2 x 256M Corsair TWINX512-2700LLPT at CAS 2, 5-2-2. Looking at the benchmarks, it can be seen that Dual Channel DDR400 does have a better memory bandwidth over the single channel DDR 400.

Our single channel DDR400 K8 ALi Ref board scores a high of 3005/3003 with the old BIOS (based on the previous ALi report). We updated the BIOS and tested it with a 3200+ processor and we got 3077/3077. A check with the old CPU scores around the same.

Gigabyte K8NNXP scores 3075/3075 in this test with a 3200+ but with the old BIOS which was default to 201MHz, it scored 3081/3082.

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