ECS L7S7A2 SiS 746 Mainboard
Review (1)
Still remember that K7S5A that sold millions worldwide. L7S7A2
could be just the next K7S5A that might rock the world if the price is right. As
we know, ECS is well known for its cheap boards. Being one of the top
manufacturers in Taiwan, it swamped the world with its K7S5A two years ago and
it is still selling. I think one of the reasons of the success of K7S5A is
because it is cheap (you can buy two for the price of one other brand's board).
Enthusiasts joins in the fun by modifying parts to include features like
multiplier and we have Cheepoman's
Hacked BIOS
Why I say that L7S7A2 would be another success is because, it has included all the overclocking features that are not previously found on most ECS boards and they include FSB (1mhz), Vcore, VDimm adjustments, RAM timings. It supports AGP 8x, DDR400, 1394 on board, LAN, 6 x USB 2.0, 6 channel audio. In our tests, the SiS 746 has amazing CC Winstone scores (thanks to its IDE performance). Ok, let's take a look at some specs first before we check out the gallery and the benchmarks.
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