SiS 645DX Reference
Board (7)
SiS645DX Benchmarking We conduct the usual tests on the setup with the following configuration : Test System:
In our tests, we ran the system under 3 modes. Sync 133 optimised, Async 133/166 optimised and Async 133/200. At 133/166 (DDR333), ram timings are CAS2 Ultra, at 133/200 (DDR400), ram timings are CAS 2 Fast. The rest are at defaults. We will investigate the results of the various benchmarking softwares followed by 3D benchmarking in pages 6 and 7.
3DMark2001 SE Summary The results are as tabulated below. The differences aren't that much. We will look at the Quake 3 results and see if there are any differences since Quake3 is not a synthetic benchmark. For Q3, the results obtained based on a P4 1.5G is even better than that of a AthlonXP1500+. We can see a difference of 5% improvement (base on Q3 demo1 fastest) when running it at DDR400 (ram timings are Fast).
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