MSI 745Ultra
SiS745 Gallery (3) BIOS Screen Shots In our tests, we set the system to Turbo Mode. RAM timings to 2,5,2,2. AGP Aperture to 128MB and AGP mode= 4x Under the frequency / voltage control, you can set the CPU FSB clock which ranges from 100 ~ 200 at 1Mhz Stepping. CPU:DRAM Clock ratio 100~133 = 1:1,3:4 Multiplier is selectable from 6x ~ 15x. DDR Voltage Adjust from 2.5 ~ 2.8 at 0.1v intervals. In our tests, we used a AthlonXP1500+, AthlonMP1.2G. For the AthlonMP 1.2G, we were able to complete SuperPI and all benchmark tests stable at 166MHZ x 7.5. |
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