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Intel 845PE/GE, SiS 648 Mainboards 1st RoundUp (6)
Overclocker 7 Oct 2002

ZD Winbench99 Disk Winmarks

It is not surprising that most the benchmark results obtain in both application based benchmarks depends a lot on the disk performance of the test system. Winbench99 Disk Winmarks provides us with a better view on it's impact on overall system performance.

* HEDW - High End Disk Winmarks, BDW - Business Disk Winmarks

Most of the time, Winbench99 results indicate the performance of the disk performance. This result will indirectly affect the previous Business Winstone and applications that needs a lot of disk swapping and movement of data involved.

The SiS 963 South Bridge is extremely fast. The scores of the Gigabyte 8SG667 is record high. Looks like the SiS 648's south bridge 963 plays an important role here. The Intel counterpart seem to be scoring just like the 845E, 845G.


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