Chaintech 7SJR SiS745 Review
Benchmarking We conduct the usual tests on the setup with the following configuration : Test System:
Quake3 Arena results Further investigation was done based on two popular gaming software Quake3 Arena. We run Q3 for 5 times and take the most consistent result. AthlonXP1500+ We benchmark the board using a MSI Geforce3 Ti200 graphics card with the latest detonator 21.83 drivers. Have a close look at the results and see how fast is the Chaintech 7SJR vs MSI 745 Ultra in terms of real OpenGL tests. From the comparison, it seems that the Chaintech 7SJR is slightly better than the MSI 745Ultra in terms of QUake 3 results. Would this be due to the FSB which is slightly higher at 133.9mhz compared to 133.34 on the MSI.
*Q3 results are recorded based on Fastest (512x384x16bots) and Hi-Quality (800x600x32bits) |
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