SiS 645DX Reference
Board (7)
Benchmarking We conduct the usual tests on the setup with the following configuration : Test System:
In our tests, we ran the at Async DDR333 modes. The first is based on P4 1.5ES at 15x100, ram async at 166 (DDR333). The second test is reducing the multiplier to 11x133 (1.46G) and run it at async 133/166 and we compare the difference of running the same processor at 133Mhz (1.46G) and 100Mhz (1.5G). We use the following software to benchmark the results.
3DMark2001 SE P4 1.5G DDR333 (100/166) P4 1.46G (11x133) DDR333 (133/166) Summary The results are as tabulated below. As you can see, when we run the P4 at default 100Mhz fsb and ram at 166(ddr333), the performance isn't that good. When we underclock it to 1.46G (11x133) and raise it to 133Mhz FSB, the performance jump is almost 100 3DMarks. In this category, we compared it to the SiS645DX ref board which we tested earlier last month. The results are mixed. In the D3D category, the ASUS P4S533 seems to be better. In terms of Quake3 results, the results are consistent by a difference of 4 fps slower than the SiS645DX ref board.
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