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Powercolor X1650 XT Review Benchmarks DOOM3
Bluetooth 4 Jan 2006

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Benchmarks (Pricing)

DOOM3 DEMO001 (1600x1200)

Shown below are the benchmarks of the DEMO3 DEMO001 results using various AA and AF on the two cards. Take note that there is no 8xS AA on the ATi based cards. It is put in for completeness.

As we can see, the 7600GT gets a very high score in this heavily optimised game for the NV cards. When it uses 4xAA+8XAF, the score dropped to 34.8 while the PowerColor X1650 XT scored 30.5 fps. There is no doubt that at 6xAA+16xAF, the PowerColor X1650 XT does give a higher fps due to 6xAA instead of 8xAA on the NVIDIA card.

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