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SiS 771/966 Reference Board Review Benchmarks -HQV Image quality
Bluetooth 18 Sep 2006

Benchmarks - Image quality for video playback using HQV

In this test, we take a look at the performance of the 3 integrated graphics chipsets, SIS 771/966 vs NF 6100/410 vs ATi RS485/SB460 in image quality during playback of DVD using HQV.

HQV benchmark is developed by Silicon Optix as a new standard for objective testing of video processors. The tests include both synthetic tests to aggravate a particular problem along with real-world material that shows the same problem.

Tests that are done include Color Bar test, Jaggies, Picture details, Noise Reduction, 3:2 pulldown. Film cadence, Mixed 3:2, Motion adaptive NR etc. The scores of individual tests are usually 0 for fail, 5 for acceptable, 10 for OK for most tests. 0 (FAIL) or 5 (PASS) for Film Cadence tests.

Below are the tabulated scores of the 3 different chipsets.

  SiS 771/966 ATi RS485/SB460 NV6100/410
Colour Bar 10 0 0
Jaggies Pattern 1 5 0 3
Jaggies Pattern 2 3 0 0
Flag 10 0 0
Picture Detail 10 10 0
Noise Reduction 0 5 0
Motion Adaptive Noise Reduction 5 5 0
3:2 Detection 0 0 0
Film Cadence 3:2 5 5 0
Film Cadence 2:2:2:4 5 5 0
Film Cadence 2:3:3:2 0 0 0
Film Cadence 5:5 0 0 0
Film Cadence 6:4 5 5 0
Film Cadence 8:7 0 0 0
Film Cadence 3:2 0 0 0
Mixed 3:2 Horiontal Crawl 5 5 5
Mixed 3:2 Vertical Crawl 5 5 5
Total score 68 out of 110 45 out of 110 13 out of 110

Very apparent, the video playback feature of the SiS 771 is way better than the two other chipsets. In fact, the text display at high resolution is very sharp as well.


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