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Biostar Tpower I55 Mainboard BIOS Screen shots 1
Bluetooth 31 Aug 2009


The screen shots are taken with board installed with a Intel Core i5 750 processor (2.66GHz).

This is the main screen where you control most of the overclocking functions. Over here you can set it to Normal, Automate or Manual Overclock under the Overclocknig Navigator option. In manual overclocking, we can set the CPU Multiplier up to x21 for Core i5 750.
CPU Freq can be adjusted within 100 - 800MHz QPI Frequency can be selected as 3.2GHz or 3.6 GHz.
DRAM Frequency can be selected as 1200, 1600 or 2000Mhz. In this case, the BCLK is set as 200MHz. Alternatively, you might want to use XMP timings if you are using a XMP capable DDR3 module
CPU voltage applied can be +0.7875 of the default. VTT voltage can be upped to 2.030v


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