Conclusion of
GeCube HD24XTL2-D3 HD 2400XT 256M GDDR3
Graphics Card Review
The GeCube HD24XTL2-D3 exhibits average performance but if you are looking for something that is simple and does the work, GeCube HD24XTL2-D3 HD2400XT card is definitely one of the better choices. In terms of performance, the card performs fine for a entry level card. Unless you are the avid gamer, this card serves it's purpose well as for a movie goer and HD crazy user. Although it appears to perform slightly under par with a slightly more expensive card, it is still able to power the DOOM3 at up to 60 fps at lower resolution without AA/AF being applied. For those who love to overclock, the ATI CATALYST 7.8 (XP) driver comes with the overdrive feature. You can meddle with it straght away. There is also a temperature reading in the driver for you to monitor the temperatures. Currently, this version for VISTA does come with a crippled overdrive feature. For the HDTV buffs, this card simplifies the cabling or requirement of an addtional graphics card for sound output. Through the DVI-HDMI connector it is able to deliver the audio through the DVI-HDMI interface to your LCD TV. For a technical perspective of the ATi HD Radeon series, please visit this page. When it comes to playing back of HDDVD, it is able to do it quite well despite that the CPU utilisation is around 25-30% on two HDDVD titles tested. Overall, the card is very quiet. GPU temperature is also within 40 deg during operation. For gamers, this card might be for the occasional gamer but more suitable for movie buffs. For its under $100 price tag, this card is definitely value for money. Price ~ 99 USD Pros
Here are my ratings out of 10 stars.
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