DOOM3 Results of
GeCube HD24XTL2-D3 HD 2400XT 256M GDDR3
Graphics Card Review
Benchmarks DOOM 3
In DOOM3, we take a look at the performance of this card in both XP and VISTA. As it's an entry level card, it is quite meaningless to test AA/AF. We just test the card in its various resolutions at its default settings and changing the resolution within DOOM3. (demo1 ran 3 times). If no AA/AF is applied to the card, the game is still playable with a frame rate of around 26 fps. The card does well at 1024x768 and 800x600 scoring 50.3 and 68.5 fps. It is also noticed that the XP driver does give a better score than using VISTA in this game (both Catalyst 7.8).
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