650i) mainboard review - DOOM3 and
Benchmarks - DOOM3 and Riddick For completeness, we emclose gaming benchmarks. As game demos or benchmarks are not 'quad-ready', it should not be seen as a weakness of the CPU. Once gaming applications are able to take advantage of quad cores, performance will generally be improved. We present DOOM 3 and Chronicles of Riddick. It can be clearly seen the difference between the 680i and 650i. The ECS NF650iSLIT-A uses a PCIex8 interface thus giving slower reading of 108.1fps. A 4.2% is registered. In Riddick, the score line shows that the ECS NF650iSLIT-A scored 46.88fps in contrast to 46.9 fps on the ASUS Striker Extreme and ECS PN2 SLI2+.
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