(NVIDIA 650i) mainboard review - 3Dmark06
Benchmarks - 3Dmark2006 Futuremark's 3Dmark 2006 is ran with the ASUS EN7900GT graphics card with Forceware 91.31. Below are the result break down. The ECS NF650iSLIT-A scored 5541 while the 680i boards scored slightly better due to the PCIex16 slot. As we can see the difference between this board which uses fix PCIe x 8 slot, the performance of the 7900GT did not differ by a lot to PCIe x16 on the other boards.
With a check in the CPU score, the differences is very little. For ECS NF650iSLIT-A + QX6700,
Score is 5541, SM2: 2076, HDR/SM3 : 2044, CPU Score : 3916
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