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5th OCWORKBENCH Readers' Award (2006) Results
Bluetooth 16 Jan 2007

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X800 GTO


Best of Best

5th OCWORKBENCH Readers' Award

Most innovative product

We have lots of entries for the most innovative product of the year. It ranges from game consoles to mobiles to VOIP products. Our readers have picked the top 3 and they are from Intel Corp's. The Dual Core and Quad Core are impressive number cruchers as shown in the Super PI records. The third is the game console from Nintendo - Wii. Its superior gaming experience is somewhat other makers couldn't achieve.

Best Tech Support

For the year 2006, the best technical support goes to ASRock followed by Gigabyte and ASUStek. As a brand, tech support is very important. If a user finds that a product has 0% support, be it the manufacturer or forums, readers will go for other brands.

Speedy solutions to problems, customer support at the retailer side also play an important role in the overall technical support for a product.


The above results are all based on votes casted in the past weeks. It is just an indicator of how well the different brands has got into the minds of our readers. Although some brands did not make it to the top, that does not mean that they are not good.  It is just that they might not have a vast user base to vote for them.

For the guys who got into top 3 last year but are missing this year, it is time to reflect on what went wrong with your products and its reach. Are manufacturers making products that nobody cares or it is simply waiting for an acquisition to happen?

See you again in OCW Readers Award 2006.

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