Launch of nForce4 SLI XE
and nForce4 Ultra 2
Performance levels against Intel 945P, 975X The SLI x16 chipset, which is already available has outperformed the Intel 975X board in terms of system, memory and also on games. The tests done were based on a P4 3.73 EE DDR2 667 system. The SLI x16 also offers more features integrated within its chipset. e.g. ActiveArmour FireWall, Integrated GbE, NTune, Storage features like Mediashield, Mediashield with disk Alert, MediaShield Dual Storage controller architecture. The SLI x16 also offers Dual PCIe 16 which 975X only offers Dual PCIe x8 for CrossFire. The nF4 SLI XE and Ultra edition also which will be available from today has outperformed the Intel 945P board in terms of system, memory and also on games. The tests done were based on a P4 3.73 EE DDR2 667 system. The nF4 SLI XE and Ultra edition also offers more features integrated within its chipset. e.g. ActiveArmour FireWall, Integrated GbE, NTune, Storage features like Mediashield, Mediashield with disk Alert, MediaShield Dual Storage controller architecture. The only major difference is that the Ultra edition does not offer SLI.
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