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M1 Broadband using HSDPA technology File download Live test
Bluetooth 6 Dec 2006

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The test run

The trial unit uses a IBM notebook with a PCMCIA card by Vodaphone. Another unit shown is with a USB modem which is plugged into the USB port of the notebook.

We tested the unit for its responsiveness in loading websites hosted locally and overseas. In our test we found that loading of m1.com.sg took around 15 secs to open. Of course, this could be due to the large amount of graphics on the page.

Next, we tested the other websites like ocworkbench.com and it took almost 16 secs to open. The forum took a longer time to load as it is hosted in the US.


Other local sites took an average around 16 secs while overseas sites like cnet.com took almost 19 secs to load up.

Next, we tested youtube.com, which is a popular video sharing site. The videos played but stuttered a lot during transmission. A test on the famous mr brown blog and tried to download a pod cast in MP3 file. It took an averages around ~16KBps and completes at ~20.8KB/s to complete the 2.24MB file.

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