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Jetway M2A481 (AMD 480X) Review Intro 5/6
Bluetooth 18 Dec 2006

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CPU VCore 7 Shift allows more voltage to be added to the default voltage settings. A rule of thumb, never try anything beyond 1.6v (after adding in the 7 shift voltage). For example, I set vcore to 1.4v and Vcore 7Shift to 1.15%, the final voltage is 1.6v for vcore.

That is to say, if you apply 1.55v for Vcore and +1.35% for your 7-Shift, you will be getting 2.0925v.
Final CPU Voltage = Vcore X 7-Shift.

North bridge voltage can be set to 1.25v, 1.30v or 1.35v
DIMM voltage can be set up to 2.15v PCIe graphics clk can be fixed at 100MHz or if you want to overclock just the graphics card, you can increase it.

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