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Digidock SP-4200 Telephone Adaptor Review 2/4
Bluetooth 10 Aug 2006

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This saucer egg shaped device is the SP-4200. The device do not require external power. It just has a button at the centre of the device where you can press to record voice conversations (normal PSTN or SKYPE). There are two LEDs which will be lit up. The LED on the left of the centre button will be lit when you are using PSTN while the LED on the right will be lit when you are in a SKYPE conversation.


At the back of the device, you will see a USB connector which must be connected to your PC. A phone jack and a line jack.

To get it up and running, unplug your phone from the RJ-11 wall socket. Now, connect the phone to the Phone jack on the SP-4200. Connect the LINE port to your RJ-11 wall socket.

After that, install the software that comes bundled with the device.

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