ASUS M2N32-SLI Deluxe Wireless Edition AM2 Review Benchmarks 4/9
Benchmarks - 3DMark2005/2006 In 3Dmark2005, we take a look at its performance of the board using a SLI and non SLI environment. Firstly, we benchmarked the 3Dmark05 and 3DMark06. We found that the differences in performance isn't that noticable. In fact it is very close to the two other boards we tested before. In SLI, we paired up a ASUS 7600GT with a Gigabyte 7600GT using Forceware 84.21. the results almost doubled for 3Dmark05, it shot up to 10066 and in 3Dmark06 we get a score of 5481.
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