Mainboards BIOS BIOS Note : Beta BIOS are provided here for experiments. In using this beta BIOS, ASrock and OCWorkbench are not liable or responsible for any damages made to your mainboard. Please do not mirror this page and bios in any language without permission of OCWORKBENCH. Do not modify the BIOS files here and claim and please give acknowledgement if you used these BIOS in your reports/reviews/discussions in OCW or other sites. To flash, copy the ASrflash.exe and BIOS file to a DOS bootable diskette or any DOS bootable media e.g. CDROM. type ASRflash filename.ext e.g. ASRflash ocwbeta1.bin. To ensure the file you have downloaded is correct and comes from OCW and not somewhere else, you can email for a tool to check the validity of the file. The MD5 checksum is posted for you to verify the file (not the zip file, just the bios binary). To flash the BIOS, please refer to instructions on ASrock website on how to use the flash utility. If you see any new beta bios floating around, please send a email to the admin. Further discussions of BIOS updates can be found here http://www.ocworkbench.com/asrock
BIOS. Flash Utility -
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