ULi M1695 Reference
Mainboard Intro4/4 Bluetooth 27 May 2005
CPU Frequency range from 200 ~ 300MHz. CPU
multiplier can be set up to 25x
The CPU Vcore can be set to 1.550v
Memory Clock can be set to
Auto,133,166,200. This is meant for Async memory operation
As usual, we set the ram timing to SPD CAS 2, 5-2-2.
Notice that there is two HTT speed, the
first is the 1GHz/16 bits from M1695 to CPU,
the other is from M1695 to M1567 which is 1GHz 16bits/8 bits. This means
that the HTT link between the north and south is 16bits down and 8 bits up.
PCI-E can be configured to run in various
modes. It makes up 20 lanes.