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Nokia 3230 GSM 900/1800/1900 Symbian Camera Phone (3)
Bluetooth 13 Apr 2005



It really depends on whether you have used a Symbian phone before. First time users might find the keypads a bit stiff and small. Finding the individual menus might be treasure hunt for new users.

For first time configuration, users should try to configure the phone by running settings wizard as it will get the necessary settings in for GPRS.


The phone comes with a camera that can be used to take still pictures or short videos. The software allows you to take photos in Standard, Night and Video mode. Basic, Normal, High quality images/video can be taken. Videos can be taken at max 176x144 and at maximum or minimum length. For video, the restriction to the length of video is based on the amount of storage space you have on the phone.

The realplayer can be used to playback video clips and mp3, aac files. Although the radio is in stereo, the only disappointment is that playback of mp3, aac files is in mono.


This phone has 6MB of internal memory for you to keep all your videos, pictures, midi, mp3 files. The 6260 comes with a RS MMC slot and bundled a 32MB RS MMC card as external storage.

Transferring of images, ringtones and Java apps are easy as you can choose to use the infra red, bluetooth,  GPRS or  insert the MMC into a Card reader on a PC and transfer the necessary files into it. If you use Bluetooth or Infrared, the relevant file types will also be dumped into the message inbox (beamed) which you can click to install or view.

Compared to the K700i, the bluetooth seems a bit incomplete as it does not implement the complete range of bluetooth features except the Object push, file transfer and dial up networking.


3230's ringtones is much louder compared to the 6600. The phone supports the ringtone format of MP3, AMR, AAC and MIDI. Compared to the previous generation of Symbian phones like 6260 and 6600, 3230's ringtone level is way better. You would not miss the call even if you are in a busy environment, thanks to the strong vibration of the phone inherited from the 6600 and 6260.

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