945GDAGDual (945G) Benchmarks 2/6
Benchmarks CPU CLK is still a valid and important criteria when judging systems performance. We measured the CPU CLK and documented when it uses integrated video and external graphics card. Looks like the Jetway board does set itself to 200.00MHz exactly. This is done with the Bi turbo option set to off as setting to ON will affect the benchmark results. The following are the indicators for the ASrock 775Dual-880Pro
D2A - DDR2-533+AGP 8x
We used a pair of TwinX Corsair DDR2 RAM and runs it at default SPD of CAS 3, 8-3-3 and below are the memory benchmark scores obtained. Both boards are running DDR2-533 (CPU:RAM=200:266). Apparently, we can see that the Jetway board does perform pretty good in this department. Lets see if it does well in the other benchmarks.
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