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ASrock 939Dual-SATA2 ULi M1695 with PCI-E (6600GT) Performance 5a/8
Bluetooth 1 Aug 200

Benchmarks - 3Dmark2005/DOOM3

The board scored 3100 which I would say is a bit lower than I expected. Judging from its previous scores in the tests, we would expect a higher score. One thing to note is that this particular benchmark seems to run faster with SiS and NF4 boards. If you look at the ATi board we tested, the score seems to be slower too.

DOOM3 demo001 is run at 1024x768x32 at Highest quality and we obtained 74fps. Again we see the slightly lower result compared to the other platforms. Could it be a BIOS or driver issue ? That could be possible too.

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