C.I.A.2 comes
with auto overclocking facility which can be set and it auto overclocks
the FSB without user intervention giving you better performance. There are
a few modes which can be set |
FSB is ranged
from 100 ~ 355MHz FSB. We don't see any FIX PCI/AGP option available. We
do see an option allowing you to run the memory at Async mode. |
ASync or Sync
memory mode. DDR2-533 is run at 2.66x |
DIMM voltage
can be increased up to +0.3v of default |
PCI-E voltage
can be adjusted upwards |
CPU voltage
control be set up to 1.60v. |
Ram timings
can be adjusted. For our tests, we set our DDR to CAS 2, 6-2-2 and DDR2 to
CAS 3, 11-4-4 |