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ECS N2U400-A Voltage Modification Guide (1)
Eversor 23 Dec 2004

ECS N2U400-A

You should know how to solder very well, and have good soldering skills.

As usual, any damages you make to your motherboard is at YOUR OWN RISK and we (OCWORKBENCH and Author) are not liable for any damages or whatsoever.



This is just universal vdimm mod wich works very well in this board. Both vtt controllers output 1.65v which is half of vdimm.

Most, if not all, dimms handle 3.3v, check datasheet of dimm chips first to see if maximum absolute voltage is "-0.5v to 3.6v". Then grab some ram heatsinks and a fan, you´ll need it.



Use a 47k pot between the 2 red points, and put it at half, reducing the resistance to increase the voltage.

The board has a overvcore protection at 2.1v(if u put more your board won´t boot), wich may have a workaround by adding a pot to the vsense pin -> ground and reduce the quantity of voltage the controller is thinking it´s receiving.

I haven´t any values tried for fixed resistors, but i think 1K ohm should yeld about +0.17v

As always go to www.ocinside.de and do pinmods to 1.85v and then do the mod to push to <2.1v

My voltmod released, and i´m currently only running 1.82v, but i had it 2 months at 2v.
My recomendations are: SINKS AND A FAN ON THOSE MOSFETS, they get very hot at 1.85v let alone >2v.

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