3DMark 2001SE:
FutureMark's 3DMark2001SE is a benchmark for DirectX8 video performance that
will "empower you to make informed hardware assessments. The game tests,
texturing tests, filtering tests, image quality tests, and others give you an
overview of your system’s current performance and show you what kind of
performance you could expect if you were to upgrade your PC."
The results below use
the same unitless "Marks" as 3DMark03, and were obtained running at a
resolution of 1024x768, 32 Bit, D3D, with anti-aliasing turned off.
In 3D Mark 2001 SE, the Volari V3 slightly outperforms the MX
4000, even though the V3 has lower clock speeds. The Geforce MX 4000 also failed
to run the Nature test, whereas we did not encounter such problems with the V3.