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AMD Barton XP3000+ (400) vs Intel Pentium 4 3.0G (800) Part 8
Overclocker 29 Apr 2003


Both processors, AMD Barton XP3000+ (400) and the Intel Pentium 4 3.0G (800) has excellent performance in various categories. In fact, in most of the tests, the P4 leads the way. Well, this can be due to a number of reasons like a better chipset which is optimised for HT and multimedia applications.

On the AXP3000+, as usual, we noticed faster response time and start time when using the system. That is how I feel when using the two systems during my comparative tests. As for the AMD platform, we should see more boards available using the new nForce2 Ultra 400 which will officially support this new processor Barton 400 as the current one still remains a bit buggy and hangs intermittently in some tests.

There is also another question on why the bandwidth on the AMD DC boards so low compared to the Intel counterparts. As SiS and VIA both claims they have some technique to fully utilise the bandwidth of a single stick (non Dual Channel DDR) using technology like hyperstreaming, it is yet to be seen how will it boost the performance of the AXP 3000+ further to compete head to head with the P4 3.0G (800, Hyperthreading) + Canterwood or with Springdale (which is cheaper).


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