Lanparty NF2 Ultra nForce2 Mainboard Review (7)
Benchmarking In Windows Movie Maker ver 2, we imported the sample file that comes with the program into it and encode it using a 1.5Mbps video WMV. Here are the timings recorded using a stop watch. The scores of 43.8, 43.7, 43.2 vs 43.1 (the shorter the time taken the better). The difference is also quite close to one another. DFI nforce2 Ultra and EPoX 8RDA3+ has the best performance among all.
In terms of rendering, lightwave 3.0 is used. We used the benchmark file Radio-reflective things and rendered one frame. Here are the timings recorded in seconds (the faster the better). The difference between the two is also very marginal with a difference of less than 1 second. Gigabyte 7NNXP and EPoX 8RDA3+ and DFI nForce2 Ultra all scores 87.4s.
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