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DFI 748-AL SiS 748 Gallery (4)
Overclocker 7 Aug 2003

Here is DFI's BIOS screen shot. You can set the CPU Clock, AGP, CPU Ratio, DDR DRAM Clock (ratio) and the various voltages for CPU, AGP, Chipset, DDR Voltage. This BIOS only has options to select CAS Latency and Performance setting. Options like Active precharge, cas to ras etc are available too. FSB is selectable from 100 ~ 232MHz. The latest version has it selectable up to 250Mhz FSB.


Multiplier can be set from 5x ~ 21x CPU Voltage Control up to 1.85v
DRAM Voltage from 2.50v ~ 2.80v Chipset Voltage from 1.80v ~ 2.10v


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