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Intel Pentium 4 2.4G 533 Northwood and D850EMD2 (i850E) (11)
Overclocker 7 May 2002


Intel has made a leap from the 100Mhz to the 133Mhz FSB (400->533) with the introduction of the P4 533Mhz processors. It is by far the most natural move as it has been a well known fact that increasing the FSB will increase the overall system performance especially those that relies on a lot of bandwidth. 

During our tests, we noticed certain important points that we think it is necessary to point out. The clock generator on the Intel D850EMD2 mainboard is not set to run exactly at 133.33Mhz. Instead it was "underclocked" to 132.xx. Although you may think that it doesn't matter much, it does undermine the actual performance. The Asus P4S533 is running exactly at 133.33Mhz FSB. Next, the D850EMD2 does not have much options for you to mess with like most of the Taiwanese brands. 

Regarding the PC-1066 support, the official reply I received is that it supports PC800 RAMBUS as according to specifications. Well, it looks like we have to wait a while for more manufacturers to make more options available for tweaking the board for optimum performance.

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