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EPoX 8K3A+ Review (4)
Overclocker 12 Mar 2002


We conduct the usual tests on the setup with the following configuration :

Test System:

  • AMD AthlonXP 1500+ and Thermoengine heatsink/fan
  • IBM 15G 7200 RPM ATA100 HD
  • MSI Geforce3 Ti200 Graphics card
  • Nanya DDR333 256MB DDR 
  • Channelwell 375W AMD Approved PSU 

Sisoft Sandra 2001te Benchmarks





Update : With the new BIOS dtd 25 Mar 2002, memory benchmark scores also increased. Old scores are in brackets.

Running at 1T Cmd, 2ns, Depth=8 and we only managed to squeeze a bandwidth of 815/883, but when running the system at ASYNC DDR333 mode, we noticed the benchmarks is increased to 869/951. Hmm, MSI seems to be better off. If you look carefully, KT333 doesn't seem to ourperform some of the KT266A available in terms of memory performance.

  EPoX 8KHA+ DDR266 Cas2, 1T cmd EPoX 8KHA+ DDR333 Cas2, 1T cmd Shuttle AK35GTR v2.2 DDR333 Cas2, 1T cmd MSI KT3Ultra DDR266 Cas2, 1T cmd MSI KT3Ultra DDR333 Cas2, 1T cmd Gigabyte 7VRXP DDR266 Cas2, 1T cmd Gigabyte 7VRXP DDR333 Cas2, 2T cmd Shuttle AK35GTR Cas2, 1T cmd Gigabyte 7VTXH+ Cas2, 1T cmd ABIT KR7A CAS2, 1T cmd, Ultra EPoX 8KHA+ CAS2,
Shuttle AK31 v3.1 Perfor
mance Defaults
MSI K7T266
Pro2-RU High Performance Defaults
SiSoft Sandra Memory Benchmarks 826/880
881/952 827/894 881/962 810/864 836/904 791/848 833/916 836/904 786/842 795 / 857 837/898


  Iwill XP333 v2.0 CAS2 Fast ECS K7S6A Ultra timings Leadtek 7350KDA Ultra timings ECS K7S5A
Ultra timings
SiSoft Sandra Memory Benchmarks 680/747 818/867 813/860 806/832


EPoX 8K3A+ = 133.64Mhz
Shuttle AK35GTR = 133.5Mhz
MSI KT3 Ultra ARU = 133.34Mhz
Gigabyte 7VRXP = 133.9Mhz
ECS K7S6A = 133.9Mhz
Gigabyte 7VTXH+ = 134.2Mhz
ABIT KR7A = 133.38Mhz
EPoX 8KHA+ = 133.64Mhz
Iwill XP333 = 132.68Mhz
Shuttle AK31 v3.1 = 133.5Mhz
MSI K7T266Pro2-RU = 133.8Mhz
Leadtek 7350KDA = 132.77Mhz
ECS K7S5A = 132.77Mhz


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